College Auditions

Washington State Unified Auditions

What Are Unified Auditions?

Students who want to pursue theatre in college need to audition for undergraduate theatre programs. At Unified Auditions, multiple colleges, universities, theatre programs, and conservatories hold auditions in one location. Unifieds can be a cost-efficient and convenient way to audition for a lot of schools in one place at one time.

Washington State Unified College Auditions are run by the WA State Thespians and take place at Roosevelt High School in Seattle. It is an all-day event, with auditions in the morning and callback interviews in the afternoon. There is also a college fair.

Who Can Come?

Both actors and technicians can attend. Actors audition and techies present a portfolio of their technical theatre work.

Seniors can audition and go to the college fair. 

Juniors are encouraged to visit the college fair to start getting a feel for schools that might interest them.

How Do I Attend?

RHS Drama does not organize a group trip to college auditions. Interested students are responsible for registering themselves, preparing their material, and going. 

To register for the WA State College Auditions at Roosevelt, you must submit an application and pay a fee. Pay close attention to the instructions because the application has very specific requirements. There is a portion that must be filled out and signed by your RHS counselor, so allow plenty of time for that. 

For information about this year's state auditions, see the Washington State Thespians website at

What Are National Unified Auditions?

National Unified Auditions are similar, only on a bigger scale. More schools, more days... But they are also farther away (they take place yearly in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles). 

For more information about National Unified College Auditions, see