Sense & Sensibility
November 2024
November 8th, 9th, 15th & 16th at 7 pm
November 10th & 16th at 2 pm
Double Cast
Please note that this show is double-cast for the roles of Elinor, Marianne, and Margaret. Below are the dates of each cast’s performance:
Gold Cast: Friday 11/8, Friday 11/15, and Saturday 11/16 Matinee
Elinor: Cadence Spore
Marianne: Alice Goulding
Margaret: Brigid Laing
Emerald Cast: Saturday 11/9, Sunday 11/10, and Saturday 11/16 Evening
Elinor: Jillian Swigard
Marianne: Mary Angelici
Margaret: Ananya Gokhale
Information For Families
Watch for weekly emails from the Stage Manager with rehearsal times, deadlines, and other important information (e.g. costumes or makeup). If you are not receiving those emails, contact
Download the Production Workshop Syllabus
Make sure you are receiving Booster emails.
If you haven't signed up yet for our Booster newsletters, you can do that here. Newsletters provide both general Booster information and specific show information.
Mr. Ball expects families to volunteer in a way that works for them. We have lots of volunteer opportunities of varying commitments to fit most everyone's schedules & you may get a head start by heading over to Booster Hub to see what is available.
First time volunteer? Register on the Drama Boosters page to get access to Booster Hub.
Returning volunteer? Head over to to see what is available.
You can access the drama calendar via our website or the BoosterHub app- please remember to attend monthly Booster meetings (typically the second Thursday) at 7pm in the RHS Library.