Corporate Sponsors

support from our community

Thank you to our 2023-2024 Corporate Sponsors!

Thank you to the local businesses who signed up as Corporate Sponsors for the 2023-2024 school year.
They're supporting us; Now, let's support them!  

Interested in adding to our list of sponsors? Check out our sponsorship levels below and click "Become a Sponsor" to support our drama program. Have questions? Contact

Sponsorship Levels (Click each sponsorship level for info)

Friends of the Theatre - $600 BEST VALUE

Contribution to the entire department; donation is split between Drama, Choir, Band and Orchestra Boosters.

1 page b&w ad in ALL programs and Playbills for all Drama, Choir, Orchestra and Band performances during the 2023-24 school year. At least 30 distinct shows* 

Publication on Corporate Sponsor pages of all four booster websites.

Three promotional social media posts by Redmond Drama Boosters during the school year.

Two tickets to each of the following ($150 value)**:

Thank you gift: Photo of the entire RHSPA Department for your business to showcase your support.

* For sponsors signing up no later than Sept. 30th
** Some shows may have already occurred. Please email with questions.

Gold - $350

1 page b&w ad in three Drama Playbills during the 2023-24 school year*. Each show will have multiple performances and audiences.

Publication on Corporate Sponsor page of Redmond Drama website.

Three promotional social media posts during the school year

BONUS: Purchase the back cover for $100 more and your ad will appear in color on the back of the Playbill. One opportunity each year!

* For sponsors signing up no later than Sept. 30th. After that date, some shows may have already occurred/playbills may have been printed. Please email with questions.

Silver - $225

1/2 page b&w ad in three Drama Playbills* during the 2023-24 school year. Each show will have multiple performances and audiences.

Publication on Corporate Sponsor section of Redmond Drama website.

Two promotional social media posts during the school year.

* For sponsors signing up no later than Sept. 30th. After that date, some shows may have already occurred/playbills may have been printed. Please email with questions.

Bronze - $150

1/4 page b&w ad in three Drama Playbills* during the 2023-24 school year. Each show will have multiple performances and audiences.

Publication on Corporate Sponsor section of the Redmond Drama website.

One promotional social media post during the school year.

* For sponsors signing up no later than Sept. 30th. After that date, some shows may have already occurred/playbills may have been printed. Please email with questions.